3 Strategies for Sourcing Qualified Talent for Remote RevOps Roles

An image depicting talent sourcing and employer brand awareness in the creation of talent pipelines.

There’s no shortage of remote workers, yet, attracting the crème de la crème of qualified candidates remains a challenge. It’s like hunting for unicorns in a field of horses!

Based on current talent sourcing trends, one can infer that recruiting for RevOps roles comes with its own set of challenges. Particularly, this involves the task of aligning candidates with the specific requirements of remote work environments.

What’s certain, is that remote work is influencing companies to explore new methods to fill the hiring gaps – a gap which requires appropriate strategies.

According to a study by Cielo Talent, the surge in remote work has markedly affected recruitment processes, highlighting a direct connection between the move to virtual recruiting and the rise of new hiring challenges within a global and digitally-focused skill market.

To effectively address these challenges, defining a clear profile for the ideal candidate is essential before initiating the talent-sourcing process. Moreover, it’s crucial to identify critical recruitment gaps to address obstacles, which include remote onboarding and training challenges, as well as building trust during applicant engagement and evaluation.

We have outlined three basic strategies to help recruiters develop a plan for overcoming these pain points:

  1. Utilizing Industry-Specific Job Boards

  2. Leveraging Professional Referrals

  3. Evaluating Candidate Potential & Skill

Let’s get started.

1. Industry-Specific Job Sites

An image depicting talent sourcing of qualified candidates.

Gap: Primarily addresses the gap between candidate engagement and evaluation.

Niche platforms offer access to specialized talent and facilitate a cost- and time-efficient recruitment process for RevOps hiring managers. As a talent acquisition tool, it enables recruiters to solve the broader challenge of sourcing leads for open roles, by streamlining basic steps.

As part of the talent sourcing process, niche recruiting boards create a talent community of prospective candidates with sales-specific skill sets, allowing employers to effectively filter out unqualified persons and helping managers focus on high-potential leads.

How to Use Specialized Boards When Sourcing Talent

  • Create engaging job descriptions – Create concise, unique job descriptions for remote RevOps roles. The goal is to reflect your organization’s culture. You would also want to avoid duplicating content or using AI-generated text as a strategy.

  • Narrow your search if the reach is too wide – If you find that you have access to too broad a pool of candidates, including underrepresented talent, refine your search to better match job specifics and company culture. Use advanced search and filtering tools to pinpoint candidates that best meet your needs and the role’s demands.

  • Focus on Role-Specific Proficiencies – define key skills and experiences that are critical for success in RevOps roles to ensure that you weed out unqualified candidates.

  • Prioritize Remote-Work Compatibility – Focus on job listing websites that highlight remote-work adaptability in candidate profiles, crucial for RevOps roles in a virtual setting. This consideration should also allow for filtering by geographical location or time zone preferences of active candidates, optimizing team coordination in remote RevOps environments.

  • Company reviews – Hiring managers should encourage their current team to post company reviews, as this can give potential candidates a more personal and authentic perspective of an employer brand, helping to attract top talent who are a great fit for your company culture and values.

The Top 3 Specialized Talent Boards of 2023

  1. CloudTask Marketplace is an online platform designed for employers who are looking to staff Revenue Operations (RevOps) roles, particularly through offshoring or outsourcing. This platform simplifies the process of identifying, assessing, and hiring the right talent while also managing vendor relations. It’s especially suited for roles in Sales Development, Sales, Customer Success, and Customer Support, making it a valuable tool for companies aiming to strengthen their RevOps teams.

  2. Overpass is a platform providing a comprehensive suite for hiring, managing, and monitoring remote sales teams. It allows employers to browse, interview, onboard, and manage sales professionals effectively, catering to various aspects of remote sales management.

  3. Rainmakers is a platform designed for elite sales professionals, offering an elite career marketplace for top sales talent. Candidates on this platform showcase their qualifications and sales achievements, such as quota fulfillment and lead generation, in their profiles. Employers engage in a bidding process for candidates who align closely with their specific needs, allowing for a more targeted recruitment approach.

Avoid this mistake

Remember, transparency is crucial in today’s job market, so always make sure to include salary details in your listings. This openness not only fosters trust but also helps attract candidates who are genuinely interested and aligned with the compensation range you offer.

2. Ask For Referrals From Your Professional Network

Image depicting  a hiring manager, sourcing talent via online communities.

Gap: Mending the split between trust and team cohesion.

The right candidate might be closer than you think! When you hire someone who comes recommended by a trusted colleague or professional connection, there’s an inherent level of trust that’s already established. Gaining a deep understanding of the purpose and methods of networking is key to effectively utilizing it for attracting the right talent to your organization. A significant number of talented professionals are settled in their careers, not actively seeking change. Without dedicated recruitment initiatives, these individuals often stay put, oblivious to the roles your organization offers.

How to Use Networking In Remote RevOps Talent Sourcing

  • Employee Referral Programs – Implementing an employee referral program can be highly effective. Encouraging your team to recommend candidates not only expands your talent pool but also brings in candidates who are likely a good cultural fit. According to a study, 82% of employers find employee referrals bring the best return on investment.

  • Incentivize Referrals – Motivate your employees to participate in the referral process by offering incentives like bonuses or perks. This not only increases the number of referrals but also encourages employees to recommend candidates who truly align with the organization’s needs.

  • Leverage Social Media and Niche Networking Platforms – Platforms like LinkedIn are crucial for connecting with professionals and tapping into passive candidates. Regularly posting valuable content and engaging with industry influencers can enhance your network’s reach and attract potential candidates.

  • Engage with Industry Professionals – Connect with professionals and leaders in the RevOps field. They can offer valuable insights and may know candidates who are looking for new challenges but haven’t yet considered your organization.

  • Build Relationships with Industry Leaders: Establish connections with key figures in the RevOps community. These individuals can be invaluable in referring candidates from within their network with the expertise and experience you seek.

The Top 3 Networking Platforms of Referrals for 2023

  1. LinkedIn profiles are effective for talent sourcing, particularly for leveraging referrals within its professional network. The platform facilitates targeted outreach using connections, industry groups, and InMail, while LinkedIn Recruiter enhances the management of referral-driven hiring strategies.

  2. Slack is primarily a communication tool, Slack has numerous community-driven channels focused on specific industries and professionals. These channels can be leveraged for talent sourcing through referrals by engaging in relevant conversations and networking with industry professionals, in groups such as RevGenuis and SalesCast.

  3. PartnerStack is a partner network that can be used to incentivize employee referrals during the talent-sourcing process for remote jobs.

Avoid this mistake

Avoid the trap of automatically considering referred candidates; if they don’t meet your criteria, it’s okay to thank those involved and keep looking for a better fit.

3. Assessing Skills, Experience, and Potential While Sourcing talent

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Gap: Ensuring Role and Organizational Fit and candidate evaluation.

Talent sourcing isn’t just about sifting through resumes. More emphasis should be placed on practical tests; simulations mirroring real-world tasks; analytical exercises; pre-employment assessments and role-play that mirror the day-to-day challenges applicants would face. In-depth video interviews should also be conducted to critically assess the communication abilities of remote applicants. Additionally, Applicant Tracking Systems may be used to refine your talent pool and find applicants who align technically and culturally with your business.

How to use predictive assessments to source RevOps talent

Screening and Evaluating Sales Skills – In the hiring process for sales roles, particularly when hiring for a remote position, it’s crucial to use Applicant Tracking Systems for the initial review of resumes. This involves evaluating each candidate against predetermined criteria such as experience, education, and key competencies.

Conducting Initial Screenings – Set up phone or virtual interviews with your top candidates. This step is vital to gauge whether they fit the role and your company culture. It also allows you to assess their communication skills, particularly important for remote roles.

Implementing Tests and Assessments – For candidates who pass the initial screening, consider assigning tests or assessments. This could include practical tasks, simulations, or scenarios relevant to the sales role. These assessments help evaluate problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and how applicants might handle real-world challenges in the position.

Focus on Specific Sales Competencies – Pay close attention to the specific competencies required for the role. This includes a candidate’s engagement, understanding of sales processes and tools, and ability to meet targets based on prior experience. Assessing these aspects will give you a clearer picture of their potential performance.

Final Interviews for Top Candidates – For candidates who excel in the assessments, arrange a final, more in-depth interview. This could involve more team members and should focus on more complex aspects of the job.

Top 3 virtual candidate predictive assessment tools

  1. Traitify offers a unique approach to personality assessment, using image-based quizzes to quickly and effectively gauge a candidate’s personality traits.

  2. Plum is an assessment tool that combines organizational psychology with AI to predict a candidate’s potential for success in a role.

  3. Test Gorilla provides a wide range of pre-employment tests including personality, cognitive ability, and specific job-related skills.

Avoid this mistake

Avoid extending the screening process unnecessarily. Keep your detailed questions for the interview stage.

Final Thoughts

An image depicting the sourcing process for an ideal candidate

The adoption of remote work, as highlighted by Cielo Talent’s study, necessitates a revamped approach to RevOps talent sourcing, emphasizing the need for digital and tech-enabled sales proficiency.

Key strategies like leveraging industry-specific job boards, utilizing referrals, and applying predictive analysis are crucial in this new mode of work.

These strategies are designed to efficiently and effectively single out potential candidates who demonstrate not only proficiency in their skills but also the ability to excel in a digital and remote working context.

The future of successful RevOps recruitment lies in adapting these strategies to continuously refine candidate profiles, ensuring the acquisition of top talent who can thrive and drive innovation in a flexible, rapidly changing workplace.