Remote Candidates Growth Newsletter June ’23


Market Insights

Here’s what G2 Crowd reports when looking at buyer traffic and buyer intent for Lead Generation Services within the last 30 days!

traffic g2 may 1
buyer intent g2 may 1

Available Remote Jobs

Here’s instant access to Remote Jobs active in the CloudTask Marketplace

Remote Jobs Community Spotlight


Sales Development Representative

Hired Remote Jobs Community Members

Here is a quick recap of Candidates that were hired from the CloudTask Marketplace in the last 30 days!

Paul was hired by an operations consulting company through the CloudTask Marketplace


Sales Development Representative

Operations Consulting

Yllenis was hired by a health, wellness, and fitness company through the CloudTask Marketplace. 


Sales Development Representative

Health, Wellness & Fitness

When hiring companies are browsing through profiles and deciding who they want to interview, your profile video is what they evaluate to decide whether they want to invite you to an interview.

Promotions & Offers

Free Resource Download:

If your sales reps could be there in person to close the deal, they would. But how often does that happen these days?