Dubb: Transforming Sales With The Power of Video

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In episode #82 of the Transform Sales Podcast: Sales Software Reviews, Amir Reiter interviews Ruben Dua, CEO and Founder of Dubb, to talk about the magic behind the Dubb platform. Their conversation revolved around the pressing challenges confronting salespeople, emphasizing the emotional hardships of rejection. Ruben illuminated the origin of Dubb, articulating its foundation on empathy and its mission to revitalize the human connection in sales. They further navigated the intricacies of the ideal clientele for Dubb, establishing its dominance for sales strategies that necessitate a personal touch, albeit recognizing its potential limitations for self-service or e-commerce sectors.

Dubb’s prowess isn’t limited to just humanizing sales; its integration of video in communication fosters parasocial relationships, bolstering engagement across not only sales but also customer success and internal communications. Ruben expanded on Dubb’s avant-garde features, spotlighting its user-friendly trial offerings, digital transformation capabilities, and streamlined landing pages with explicit CTAs. The duo delved into the potency of Dubb in amplifying conversion rates through strategies like pre-framing and incorporation of social proof. Ensuring users have a seamless experience is paramount, with Ruben reiterating their unwavering commitment to superior onboarding and an unparalleled VIP experience.

In case you missed it…. these are the highlights

What problems does Dubb fix?

Our software, Dubb, aims to address the challenge of reintroducing the human touch in sales. In today’s digital age, many salespeople feel their efforts are overlooked, with emails, calls, and messages often ignored. However, by leveraging video, we can recreate that essential human connection, fostering trust and rapport. Dubb offers real-time activity reporting, AI-driven personalization, and seamless integration with various platforms, ensuring that our users can effectively engage their prospects and clients.

“…We believe that by combining technology with genuine human interaction, we can revolutionize the sales process, making it more efficient and impactful.”

Our vision for Dubb is to continue innovating, with a focus on AI to enhance personalization and engagement. We’ve already integrated with numerous platforms, ensuring our users have a seamless experience. We’re not just creators; we’re active users of our product, underscoring our belief in the power of video in B2B sales. Our goal is to shorten sales cycles by ensuring every touchpoint is meaningful, building trust and value with each interaction. We’re passionate about what we do and are committed to helping sales professionals succeed in this ever-evolving landscape.

What type of buyers does Dubb serve best?

The buyers that would get the most value out of Dubb are those who prioritize the human element in their sales and communication processes. Our platform is tailored for businesses where establishing trust and building relationships are paramount. This is especially true for B2B companies where sales often involve detailed explanations, walkthroughs, case studies, or personalized demonstrations.

On the other hand, if you’re in the B2C sector or run an e-commerce business that leans heavily on self-service models, Dubb might not be your first choice. However, for businesses that understand the power of human engagement, screen sharing, and in-depth presentations in sealing deals, Dubb can truly be transformative. It’s all about bringing back the human touch in a digital world.

What differentiates Dubb from other sales platforms?

Our platform, Dubb, stands out because it emphasizes the importance of the human connection in sales and marketing. While many platforms focus on automating processes, we prioritize bringing the human element back into the equation. We understand that in today’s digital age, salespeople often feel their outreach efforts, like emails or LinkedIn messages, vanish into the void. Dubb addresses this by allowing users to create personalized video messages, fostering a genuine connection with potential clients. This not only builds trust but also breaks down the barriers of “stranger danger” that many prospects feel.


“…our real-time activity reporting, bolstered by artificial intelligence, offers insights into how recipients interact with content, enabling users to further tailor their approach. In essence, while other platforms might offer tools for outreach, Dubb ensures that outreach is meaningful, personal, and effective.”

Where can people find you?

You can connect with me on various platforms and through Dubb’s integrations. I’m active on social media and within Dubb’s marketplace. I’d also like to emphasize the importance of following Amir’s link. By doing so, you’ll get a special VIP experience and onboarding with Dubb. I’m always eager to connect and collaborate, so please reach out! However, for direct contact or specific details, please visit our official Dubb website or our social media channels.