How to Assess Trustworthiness in Remote Candidates


Trustworthiness in Remote Candidates is a complex challenge nowadays.

B2B sales companies often struggle to find skilled candidates who can work well in a remote setting. Trustworthiness is key for remote sales roles, where self-discipline and focus are essential.

But how can you identify trustworthy remote sales candidates? 

This blog post outlines five key areas to examine when seeking reliable remote workers. By focusing on these areas, you can confidently hire candidates who are a good fit and possess the trustworthiness required for remote work success.

Tip 1: Assessing Communication Skills in Remote Candidates

Success in remote work, especially in sales, depends mainly on clear, timely, and effective communication. 

When hiring remote workers, it is essential to evaluate their communication skills thoroughly and be on the lookout for any red flags that may indicate future difficulties. 

The following are practical suggestions for assessing a candidate’s communication skills and identifying any possible issues:

  • Set Clear Communication Benchmarks: Establish clear communication expectations, including frequency, tools, formality, and quality. Set standards for email response time and require daily check-ins via a designated platform.
  • Use Diverse Communication Scenarios: Test candidates in various settings, such as emails, video calls, and group discussions. During interviews, observe how candidates handle hypothetical urgent requests or provide feedback in a simulated team meeting.
  • Incorporate Open-Ended Questions: Use behavioral questions to ask candidates about their communication strategies and experiences. Ask them to describe a time when they resolved a misunderstanding through effective communication.
  • Observe Non-Verbal Cues: During video interviews, pay attention to candidates’ body language and eye contact. Observe whether they maintain eye contact and display confident body language while discussing complex topics.
  • Evaluate Written Communication Skills: Assess clarity, coherence, and professionalism in email or chat responses. Look for well-structured and concise emails that address all points raised in a discussion.

Red Flags in Communication:

  • Inconsistent or delayed responses to messages and emails.
  • Difficulty in articulating thoughts clearly or engaging in active listening.
  • Overly casual or unprofessional tone in formal communication settings.

Tip 2: Assessing Trustworthiness in Remote Candidates Beyond the Resume

Falling for a candidate’s impressive resume can be a common trap in the hiring process.

It’s crucial to remember that a remote sales candidate’s technical skills and experience, while important, only sometimes guarantee trustworthiness or a good match for your company’s culture. 

To avoid the disappointment of hiring someone who may be technically proficient but needs more crucial interpersonal skills or trustworthiness, it’s essential to dig deeper. 

Here are some ways to look beyond the resume and evaluate intangible but essential attributes:

Trustworthiness in Remote Candidates

Tip 3: Review Past Work Experiences and References

One key step in evaluating a candidate’s fitness for your remote team is to review their work experience and references. 

This process helps you confirm their previous achievements and obtain feedback from people who have collaborated with them. 

Here are some practical tips for reviewing a candidate’s work history and references:

  • Analyze Work History Patterns: Look for consistency and progression in their work history. Be cautious with candidates having frequent, unexplained job changes.
  • Scrutinize Answers to Situational Questions: Pay attention to their responses to ethical or challenging scenarios. Note any signs of unethical reasoning or evasive answers.
  • Review Portfolios and Past Work: Ask for portfolios or examples of previous work. Evaluate the quality and relevance of their past projects to your needs.
  • Consider Experience Relevance: Assess whether their past roles and industries align with your requirements. Check if they know the tools and tasks pertinent to the role you’re offering.
  • Check Character References: Contact former colleagues and managers for feedback. Ask about their contributions, work ethic, and teamwork capabilities.

Tip 4: Implement Behavioral & Competency Testing

To properly assess a candidate’s trustworthiness and professionalism during the hiring process, it is crucial to include behavioral and competency-based evaluation methods. 

This approach allows you to gain a better understanding of not only what they are capable of doing but also of their work ethic. 

Here are some techniques that you can use for this purpose:

Competency Test for Remote Candidates

Tip 5: Conduct a Trial Period & Project Assessment

A trial period or project-based assessment effectively evaluates a candidate’s fit within your company’s culture and work environment. 

This method allows the employer and the candidate to make informed decisions about their potential long-term relationship.

  • Treat Candidates as Team Members: Integrate them into your team and culture, allowing them to experience the work environment fully.
  • Set Clear Expectations and Deadlines: Establish a framework for the trial period, including its duration and objectives, and schedule a review at its conclusion.
  • Engage Throughout the Process: Maintain open communication and address any issues or concerns during the trial period.
  • Apply Stricter Standards for Trial Tasks: Implement a rigorous evaluation process to set high performance and quality standards during the trial.


When hiring remote sales candidates, it’s essential to consider not only their resumes and skills, but also their personality traits and work ethic. These are often innate and cannot be taught.

Creating a reliable remote sales team requires trustworthiness, responsiveness, and the ability to follow instructions. While sales tactics and system management can be taught, traits like responsibility, focus, and teamwork cannot.

Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize these untrainable skills in your hiring process to ensure your remote team is skilled and reliable. 

Hiring reliable remote sales talent is challenging, but CloudTask simplifies it. 

CloudTask is a B2B Marketplace connecting you to 500+ pre-vetted RevOps candidates with video profiles and work histories. You’ll save time finding dependable remote salespeople. 

Sign up for CloudTask today to easily build your skilled, trustworthy remote sales team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you ensure a remote candidate’s workspace suits the job?

  • Ask about their home office setup, internet speed, and how they manage distractions. This will ensure they have a productive workspace.

What are some red flags to watch out for with remote candidates?

  • Keep an eye out for late replies or vague answers. Those could be red flags if they seem too casual for a professional setting or hop jobs a lot without good reasons.

Once you hire remote employees, how do you keep the trust going?

  • It’s all about explicit, regular chats and setting straight-up expectations. Give feedback often and make sure everyone’s on the same page. It helps to create a vibe where everyone’s open and honest.